Saturday 6 June 2015

Author Interview | Alfie Deyes

Hi all,
Recently as part of the promotion for the release of The Pointless Book 2, I had the opportunity to interview the creator, YouTube star, Alfie Deyes. Here's what he had to say about his recent release, and upcoming plans. 
I was also provided a copy of both The Pointless Book and The Pointless Book 2 for review. My thoughts on the books, are below.


Alfie Deyes1. What was your inspiration for the books?

It’d have to be my youtube channel. But to create it in a format where others can be involved and to take it offline at the same time.

2. What was the hardest part about writing the books?

Coming up with page ideas that people would actually find interesting to fill out. There are a LOT of pages in each book!

3. If you could go back and change anything about them, what would it be?

I don’t think I’d change anything you know. I’m beyond happy with how they are and how people have reacted to the books.

4. Any plans for future books?

Maybe…but I can’t say anything as of yet *cough September cough.*


If you're looking for not only a fun way to fill some time, but also a way to get nostalgic for your childhood. Then The Pointless Book, is a fantastic way to do this. 
There's a great mix of things to do in this book, from puzzles, to random challenges, it's exactly what it says on the cover. It's pointless, but in the most entertaining way possible, because really, who doesn't like to sit down and waste some time playing games, answering random questions, or doing a silly challenge.
Another great part of this book, is the interactiveness with the app. It's adds a whole new level of enjoyability, and makes it just a little more social.
Great thing to take on your holidays and do at the beach, or just curl up on the sofa and entertain yourself when there's nothing else to do.


Questions. Challenges. Mazes. Recipes and much more. This is a great extension to the first book. Coming back with some familiar pages, like the always enjoyable spot the difference, and dot to dot. This book, also adds a whole new range of games, challenges and lists to fill out.
Again it's a fun activity book, that definitely kept me entertained. It's the kind of thing you can just pick up from time to time, do a couple of things, and you have fun doing it.
I know for me personally, I especially enjoy the little questionnaires. Things like the Currently I'm...list and the Favourites lists are the parts that I enjoy the most. It's fun to keep around so that in months and years to come, I can look back and see what my answers were then, and how much they change over time.
Just as enjoyable at the first one. I would definitely recommend both of these books, if you're looking for a fun book, filled with randomness to provide a good amount of entertainment.


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