Saturday, 14 September 2013

Fall into Reading | Read-a-Thon | Goals

Hi guys,

As you may know if you followed my old blog, I'm taking part in the Fall into Reading read-a-thon later this month. So I just wanted to post a few goals I have for the read-a-thon.
This isn't my TBR post, that'll come later once I've figured out what I'll be reading, which rely's heavily on what I read this week.
This is a more general list of goals I want to achieve.

  1. Read 6 books
  2. Read an average of 200 pages each day (revised from 400 because I'm not sure 400 was realistic)
  3. Read at least 1 classic
  4. Read a play
  5. Finish a book that's been on my back burner for a while
  6. Update my progress each day
  7. Review each book I read
  8. Read a book with over 400 pages

Those are the goals I hope to complete during the read-a-thon. Head on over to the Fall into Reading page to sign up, and let me know what your goals are. I'd love to know what you plan on doing during the read-a-thon.


  1. This sounds really interesting! I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up the momentum though!

    1. Hi Holly,
      Read-a-Thons are fun. Don't worry about keeping up momentum, just read as much as you can. I find them to be great motivators.
      The Fall into Reading read-a-thon is over now, however I am hosting one. Signs ups are open now (fist post on my homepage).
