Sunday, 6 October 2013

Author Interview | Rebecca Phillips

Hi guys,

I had the opportunity to interview author Rebecca Phillips recently. She's a fantastic young adult fiction writer, and I've reviewed one of her books in the past (and plan on reading/reviewing her others this year).
So first off I want to say a big thank you to Rebecca for taking part in this interview, and now we'll get right to it.

About Rebecca Phillips

Rebecca Phillips lives just outside the beautiful city of Halifax, Nova Scotia with her husband, two children, and one spoiled rotten cat. Out of Nowhere is her third novel and was a finalist in the 2012 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest. She's also the author of a two-book contemporary YA series, Just You and Someone Else.
Connect with Rebecca on her website Rebecca Writes YA.

The Interview

When did you start writing? 

I can't remember not writing. From the time I could form letters, I was writing stories. At twelve, I wrote my first YA novel, which of course was horrible.

What's been your biggest challenge while writing?

Distractions! Kids, husband, cat, housework, meals, beeping washing machines, ringing phones, email, Facebook,'s hard to stay focused on the task at hand. Sometimes I just have to shut myself up in the bedroom with my laptop and force myself to concentrate (oooh, something shiny!)

What genre do you write? Or do you write multiple genres? 

I write contemporary YA and have no plans to stray from this genre. It just speaks to me.

Do you have a specific place you like to do all your writing?

Currently, I work at a small desk in my kitchen. As stated above, I use my bedroom when I need complete silence.

How do you pick names for your characters? 

I Google "baby names by decade" and go from there.

What's your editing process like? 

I edit a little bit after each writing session, then do several big revisions when the first draft is done. After that, I send it to my beta readers for feedback and then edit some more. After that, I send it to my agent for feedback and then edit some more. It never ends, really. I just edited this paragraph six times.

Is writing your full time job? 

Yes, and I am very grateful to be able to devote my days to something I absolutely love.

When did you first know you wanted to publish a book?

Around 2003, when I first discovered Sarah Dessen. It took me almost ten years to actually do it.

Do you listen to music while you're writing?

Not usually. I need quiet.

Are you working on anything at the moment?

Yes, I'm busy outlining a brand new novel.

What advice would you give to aspiring/new authors?

Read, read, read! Get inspired by great writing. Also, grow a thick skin because you're probably going to need it. 

What's your favourite book?

That's like asking me to pick a favorite child. Impossible.

Name three things you couldn't live without.

Family, books, and chocolate.

How often do you check your email? 

Several times a day.

Drink of choice?


What are you currently reading?

Pivot Point by Kasie West. I love her writing style.

What's your favourite song?

I don't actually have one. Is this weird? I like all different sorts of music, with the exception of country.

Do you have a book collection? If so how is it organised?

Yes, and it consists of messy piles in my closet because we don't have room for a giant bookshelf. 

Any links you'd like to share?

Final words?

Thank you for interviewing me, Hannah! It was fun.

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