Friday 18 July 2014

Book Review | Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

18189606The Pre-Sloane Emily didn't go to parties, she barely talked to guys, she didn't do anything crazy. Enter Sloane, social tornado and the best kind of best friend—the one who yanks you out of your shell.But right before what should have been an epic summer, Sloane just... disappears. No note. No calls. No texts. No Sloane. There’s just a random to-do list. On it, thirteen Sloane-selected-definitely-bizarre-tasks that Emily would never try... unless they could lead back to her best friend. Apple Picking at Night? Ok, easy enough.Dance until Dawn? Sure. Why not? Kiss a Stranger? Wait... what?

Getting through Sloane’s list would mean a lot of firsts. But Emily has this whole unexpected summer ahead of her, and the help of Frank Porter (totally unexpected) to check things off. Who knows what she’ll find?

Go Skinny Dipping? Um...

Pages: 449 | Format: Paperback | Goodreads | Amazon

Morgan Matson has been one of my favorite authors for a really long time. I first fell in love with her writing when I read Amy & Roger's Epic Detour, then I read Second Chance Summer, which quickly became on of my favorite books, so I was really excited when I heard about this new book. 
I was so excited when I got my copy and I wanted to start reading it right away. I was definitely not disappointed.
One of the things I loved so much about this book, was the use of both the present moment and the flashbacks. I felt like they were definitely needed, because it allowed us to get to know Sloane and understand Emily's friendship with her. I really loved how the flashbacks tied in with things that were happening to Emily in the present moment.
Another fantastic aspect of this book was the inclusion of playlists. I loved that in Amy & Rogers and I loved it here. 
The characters in this novel were also all fantastic. From main to supporting, I loved everyone and everyone played an interesting role. 
I especially loved the relationship between Emily and Frank. I liked how this was played out subtly, and it didn't overshadow the list and everything connected with that.
The list itself was great, there were some interesting things on there, and I really liked that each chapter dealt with a different part of that list.
I also loved how by working on the list, and making new friends with Sloane out of the picture, Emily was able to make a lot of really great character growth.
All in all this is a fantastic read, and I highly recommend not only this book, but Morgan Matson's other work as well.


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