Monday, 21 October 2013

Book Binge: Updates

Hi guys,

So I'd just like to say a huge thank you to the people who have signed up for the read-a-thon. I know there are only a few of us, but we can still have a lot of fun!

Don't forget if you haven't signed up already, you can still go to the sign up post and join in.

This is where I'm going to be putting all of my daily updates.

Day One (Monday)

What I Read

Pretty Amy by Lisa Burstein | 80 Pages
Here Comes the Light by Emily Camp | 10 Pages

Total Pages for the Day: 90
Pages so Far: 90

Books Completed: 0
Books so Far: 0

How it Went

I'm not overly happy with my progress today. I wanted to read at least 200 pages, and yet I didn't even make it to 100. I'm hoping to catch up tomorrow.
The main issue I had today is that I had a lot more studying to do than I anticipated, and then I was struggling to get into either of the books that I'm reading.
Tomorrow I will hopefully find myself enjoying the books more, or I may switch it up and read something different.

Day Two and Three (Tuesday and Wednesday)

I haven't actually read anything for the past two days. Between writing an essay for Uni and getting ready to go away for a week, it's been a little hectic.
I feel really bad that I'm doing so badly considering it's my own read-a-thon, but unfortunately I thought I had this week clear, but then my hospital appointment got moved, so instead of going away for the week on the 30th of November, I have to leave tomorrow.
Hoping to read a bit later today, but at the moment I have a bad headache. 
All in all, it's not going well.

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