Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Announcement: The Book Tower Book Binge


Hi guys,

I have an exciting announcement. I've decided to host a read-a-thon this month. I came to this decision because I have a tonne (and I mean a tonne) of reading to get done, and yet I'm finding it hard to get motivated. From experience, I know that I always increase the amount I read while competing in read-a-thons. So I decided to host one.

Here's what you need to know.

When: October 21st - 27th

Signups: You can sign up right away by adding your link to the list below.

How to sign up: You can sign up using any webpage you intend to use for updates. This could be a blog, youtube channel or anywhere else you want to do updates.

Updates: You don't have to do daily updates, though of course you can if you want to. I won't be posting a separate link up sheet each day for updates, but I will post a wrap-up link up at the end of the read-a-thon.

How I'll be doing my updates: I'm going to be doing daily updates (in one blog post) where I'll list how many books I've completed that day and overall, how many pages I've read that day and overall, and what I've been reading (and how much of it).

Lastly, don't forget to spread the word.

Sign up now!


  1. Thanks for hosting one! I will be signing up, just have to record my video first! Woot!

    1. You're very welcome. I love read-a-thons.
      I look forward to you signing up, and seeing your first video. What's your youtube channel? I'll check it out and subscribe.
      Don't forget to spread the word about the read-a-thon. The more people, the more fun!

    2. Thanks! Here's the link:

      I'll TRY to get my video up today, I have it recorded, but I'm having major tech issues :(
      Maybe I'll just put it on my Tumblr for now

    3. Sorry to hear about the tech issues. I've taken a look at your channel and subscribed.

  2. Thanks for hosting! This is only my second readathon, but I think it'll be a great chance to start whittling down my ridiculous TBR pile.

    1. Hi Grace,
      Thanks so much for signing up. I'm using the read-a-thon for the same reason. My aim (which I'll probably fail) is to finish at least half of the 16 books I have on my back burner shelf right now.
      I look forward to seeing what you read, and I hope you have fun.
      Don't forget to spread the word. The more people, the more fun!
